We came to steal. As usual. Honest robbery that does not hurt the earth, as our resource isn’t only sustainable,…

Diebe der Ästhetik – Drei Wochen zwischen den vielleicht schönsten Blöcken Europas in Sardinien
Ich fliege. Es ist, als träumte ich, aber das ist nicht der Punkt. Ich fliege gerne, oft, ich habe mir…

VIDEO – Impressions from El Chaltén – Including “Wasabi” (8B) and “El Ultimo Mate” (8B)
One of the most impressing landscapes on planet earth and some really nice bouldering, too. We passed two times for…

VIDEO – The cold and smelly breath of death, 8B+/8C, Dorotea, Puerto Natales, Patagonia, Chile – One of Latin Americas hardest Boulders
We wanted to leave El Chalten to visit Puerto Natales for only some days, but then I found this line.…